

Thayne giving massage
  • Medical Massage is a form of outcome-based massage. These techniques are mainly targeted for specific problems and registered therapists administer these techniques after a thorough assessment of the patient’s condition and needs.

  • It is more detailed than traditional massage. The massage therapist will use cupping and other specialized tools for deep tissue work. A medical massage therapist will focus on restoring full range of motion and reducing stiffness. Many massage techniques used for this purpose are specific to this area. You can also expect to receive a deeper massage than you normally would. Some types of massage may even be more intense, including cross fiber friction and vibration.

  • It focuses on functional outcomes and improves the body’s function. A medical massage therapist will help clients increase range of motion in their joints and learn proper body mechanics. Whether your body is suffering from chronic pain or is just recovering from an injury, a medical massage will help you feel better. In addition to addressing symptoms, medical massage is also effective in alleviating chronic pain and improving health.

  • *Helps to decrease inflammation and pain

    *Deactivates Myofascial trigger points

    *Helps digestion

    *Calms and soothes the nervous system

    *Improves posture and coordination

    *Helps in preventing future chronic pain conditions

    *Improves flexibility and range of motion

    *Releases sore and tense muscles

  • If you are suffering from chronic pain, medical massage may be right for you. Be sure to talk to your doctor before beginning any massage therapy and obtain a prescription. You can also contact us with any questions and concerns. We’re glad to help you find answers.